An informative brochure can help raise awareness for coastal residents to inform about climate related risks and offer behavioural recommendation. For the city of Kiel such comprehensive guideline was developed.
The Bay of Kiel Climate Alliance published in 2015 a guideline for private risk prevention (KBKB 2015). The authors quote a survey saying in 2013 about 90% of the German population thought that there is a low risk to be personally affected by storm floods, storm surges or other natural disasters. But with climate change an increase of extreme weather events is expected for the Bay of Kiel region. Since thus could affect people and households in this region, the alliance published a guideline to offer information about extreme events and orientation how to prevent possible damages and problems. The brochure was written in cooperation with the City of Kiel, the Ministry of the Interior of the federal state Schleswig-Holstein, and the insurance agency ‘Provinzial Nord Brandkasse’.
This guide addresses 5 different threats: storms, heavy rainfall, thunderstorm, heat wave, and cold wave. All the different threats are describes in the regional context and also a guide of what to do on a personal basis. For example for storms, the authors recommend:
Before the storm:
- Use windproof roofing and let it be checked by experts on a regular basis.
- light objects such as garden furniture, garbage and water barrels
- shutters and blinds
- Don’t park under trees
- Check if your insurance covers damages from storms
During or after the storm:
- Only step outside if necessary and pay attention to falling objects, such as bricks or branches
- Report and document damages
- In case of damages report immediately your insurance agency.
Also the four other themes are described in general with concluding behavioral recommendation. The brochure closes with useful links where to find further information.
The guide makes use of understandable language, additional photographs and in some cases with (regional) maps. This is to ensure, that residents will read the brochure. Local references, like excerpts from newspaper on heavy rains or storms help to anchor the rather abstract climate threats into a local context.
5000 copies were published and handed out at thematic relevant events (public fairs, etc.), it is also available online.