Other processes at EU level that are relevant to coastal DRR include:  


EU Climate Change Adaptation Strategy


The 2013 EU Climate Change Adaptation Strategy (COM/2013/ 216) sets out a framework for increasing European resilience in response to current and future climate impacts. The Strategy stresses that coastal zones are particularly vulnerable regions given the risks of sea-level rise and extreme weather events. The Strategy also recommends that Member States develop, review and implement adaptation plans to be in synergy with existing disaster risk management policies.


Marine Strategy Framework Directive


Policies such as the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2008/56/EC) and the EU Biodiversity Strategy (COM/2011/244) also contribute indirectly to coastal DRR, as they aim to support healthy ecosystems which in turn assist prevention, protection and mitigation strategies.


Research and Innovation policy agenda for Nature-Based Solutions and Re-Naturing Cities


The European Commission’s Research and Innovation policy agenda for Nature-Based Solutions and Re-Naturing Cities whose aim is to provide a supportive framework for building the evidence and knowledge base for nature-based solutions. The agenda is implemented, inter alia, through the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.


Directive on Maritime Spatial Planning


The EU Recommendation on Integrated Coastal Zone Management (2002/413/EC) and the Directive on Maritime Spatial Planning (2014/89/EU) both target the optimal distribution of the coastal and maritime space among various stakeholders and uses. This includes, for example the effects of infrastructure works to protect coastlines against erosion or flooding on activities in coastal waters such as aquaculture or protection of marine ecosystems.


EU Civil Protection Mechanism


The EU Civil Protection Mechanism (1313/2013/EU) sets the framework for a holistic, cross-sectoral disaster risk management policy for the Union. This is to be achieved by promoting a culture of preparedness, replacing ad-hoc response with a pre-planned approach, and supporting Member States in their capacities. It does so through training, learning and exchange (governance, planning, data, risk communication and information, research and technology) information sharing (Common Emergency and Information System (CECIS)) and mechanisms for coordinated preparedness and response at EU level such as the European Emergency Response Capacity (EERC) established in 2014.


Post 2015 Hyogo Framework for Action: Managing risks to achieve resilience


The Post 2015 Hyogo Framework for Action: Managing risks to achieve resilience (SWD /2014/133) analyses EU progress under the UNISDR Hyogo Framework for Action and addresses implementation gaps and emerging challenges. Some of these findings are of particular relevance to the RISC-KIT project. The Communication notes inter alia the need for:

  • particular attention to building resilience in coastal areas;
  • collection and sharing of sound and comparable data on disaster losses, hazard and vulnerability in an open data policy;
  • development of common and interoperable data and risk assessment protocols and public risk registers and databases;               
  • systematic actions to raise public awareness of risk;
  • build sustainable partnerships between different public authorities and relevant stakeholders (civil society, academia and research institutions,  private sector) and involve these actors in decision-making processes through inclusive participatory mechanisms


European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF)


The European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) directly contribute to Sendai Framework Priority 3: Investing in disaster risk reduction for resilience. The ESIF have helped promote disaster risk   management, climate change adaptation, ecosystem conservation and cultural heritage restoration in EU policy. The Funds include a thematic objective on “Climate change adaptation and risk prevention and management”, to which Member States have allocated over 29 billion EUR.  Disaster  resilience and  risk  prevention  and  management  are  promoted  horizontally  in  all  other  priorities, which amount to more than EUR 454 billion of  EU co-financing. Climate and disaster proofing is built into the appraisal of major projects for cohesion policy support, and is a prominent topic in macro-regional strategies, such as for the Danube and Baltic Sea Regions.